About Warwickshire Resilience Forum
What is a Local Resilience Forum?
The formation of Local Resilience Forums (or LRFs) is designed to help prepare for, respond to, and recover from major emergencies or incidents that may occur across the United Kingdom.
LRFs exist across the entire country and comprise expert partner organisations working together from the public or private sectors within defined regions aligned with Police Force areas. Warwickshire Resilience Forum (WRF)’s boundary of responsibility covers 770 square miles and a population of over 608,000.
Prepare, respond and recover
The agencies in WRF’s multi-agency response framework work together to respond to emergencies when a combined multi-agency co-ordination would result in a more effective and efficient outcome. Any one of the partner agencies can also activate the multi-agency response arrangements when they need more capacity beyond their own resources. Emergency situations that may require action from WRF partners include severe weather events, river or surface flooding, acts of terrorism, or other dangerous situations which seriously threaten people’s welfare, the environment or our security.
Agencies that work through the WRF develop, implement and co-ordinate multi-agency responses and action plans focussed on:
- Saving lives
- Relieving suffering
- Protecting property
- Preventing further damage to the environment
- Preventing the impacts of a disaster getting worse
- Restoring normality as quickly as possible
How WRF partners work together
The close collaboration of WRF partners is not limited to responding to emergencies, and dealing with the aftermath. It also includes a continuous programme of behind-the-scenes activity in planning, preparation and development of response strategies for potential emergency risks in Warwickshire.
WRF partners work together to ensure the necessary plans are in place and regularly test and prove the plans to ensure every organisation can respond as quickly and effectively as possible as part of the wider multi-agency partnership response.
WRF activities continually improve the ability of institutions and communities to work together to prevent, deal with, recover and learn and adapt from the disruption to create positive change.
- Connecting organisations, communities and individuals to help protect Warwickshire’s future prosperity in relation to the risks it faces.
- Providing a cohesive approach across partner organisations to address issues of resilience.
- Ensuring the most effective use of partners’ combined resources.
- Assessing local risks and their associated impacts.
- Collectively developing capabilities to offer the best possible outcomes in an emergency.
- Communicating the local risks, so people are aware of them and understand what they can do individually, or as part of their business or community to prepare for them.
- Prepare for and address the chronic (long-term) stresses likely to impact Warwickshire in the future.
Stay informed
Warwickshire Resilience Forum aims to inform all persons, communities and businesses on how to prepare themselves for large-scale, major emergencies in Warwickshire.
Continually developing
Warwickshire's resilience
The structure of the WRF is in the image below. A 'Strategic' Group sets the overall direction of the WRF and ensure it is aligned to the Government’s national approach to resilience.
A ‘Tactical’ Group ensures objectives set at Strategic level are implemented at the operational level.
‘Working Groups’ exist to carry out the specific work activities needed to fulfil the strategic direction. For example, the Risk Assessment Working Group assesses risks in Warwickshire, from which we plan, train, and exercise.
The WRF works collaboratively with a range of other local, regional and national resilience groups, to ensure we take a collective approach to building resilience in Warwickshire.
A Secretariat Team co-ordinates and manages the daily workings of the WRF.
Find your emergency contact
Are you signed up to receive flood warnings? If not call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 to see if your area receives warnings.
Fire Risk Assessment Templates
In order to comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, you must complete a Fire Risk Assessment of your stall or unit.