Malicious Attacks
What is the risk of malicious attacks to Warwickshire?
Everyone needs to be vigilant to any risks of terrorism.
Current terrorist risks mainly come from extreme Islamist terrorists or extreme right-wing terrorists.
Future attacks are likely to be by ‘self-initiated’ terrorists who are not part of a terrorist organisation using low sophistication methods such as a knife or vehicle.
As a result it’s really important to keep an eye out for people who might be at risk of radicalisation. Radicalisation can occur because of contact with those with extremist views, or through accessing extremist material online.
The young, vulnerable, or disenfranchised are among those who are at increased risk of radicalisation.
How could malicious attacks
affect you and your family?
- Risk to life
- Many of the networks and individuals who pose a terrorist threat seek to harm large numbers of people
- Some groups aspire to attack infrastructure using both traditional methods and alternatives such as cyber attacks
- Any form of attack can potentially threaten life, property and community cohesion
We can all be better prepared to
respond and recover from malicious attacks
Follow these practical steps so you and your family can be better prepared for a malicious attack.
Know the current threat level
Improve your knowledge
You can access up-to-date and accurate information to improve your knowledge by viewing the Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) website and the ProtectUK website.
How to prepare
your business
Keep yourself safe in the rare event of a firearms or weapons attack
How to respond to malicious attacks:
Report suspicious activity or suspicious packages in confidence online at or by
calling the police on 0800 789 321 or 101. If you think it’s an emergency, always ring 999.
RUN: to a place of safety. This is a far better option than to surrender or negotiate. If there’s nowhere to go, then…
HIDE: It’s better to hide than to confront. Remember to turn your phone to silent and turn off vibrate. Barricade yourself in if you can. Then IF and only when it is safe to do so…
TELL: the police by calling 999.
Find your emergency contacts for malicious attacks
Recovering from malicious attacks
Your risk assessment and mitigation measures should allow you to be better prepared for a security breach or incident and enable you to return to normality quickly. This is particularly important for smaller businesses that may not have the resources to endure even a few days without trading.
For more information and guidance, please visit the
What can you do to support your Community?
- Be aware that strong communities can help fight terrorism.
- Be vigilant for changes in people which may be due to radicalisation, such as withdrawing, sharing radical views, or watching online material which may be violent or of an extremist nature.
- Seek advice or report suspicions to police (101, 999).
- Free Prevent training is available for use by communities
How prepared is your business?
- Businesses can conduct a security risk assessment via ProtectUK and consider where you may need to put in any mitigations.
- UK based companies can complete ACT Awareness e-Learning. This is a counter terrorism awareness product designed for all. It is available via ProtectUK and is free to use.
- You can view the National Protective Security Authority NPSA website which has lots of information about physical security, personal security, personnel security, and security minded communications.
What is being done to become
better prepared?
We work together to:
- Identify groups or individuals who pose a threat and actively address that.
- Provide training and guidance to event organisers, businesses and other organisations to help them understand the terrorist threat, improve protective security and preparedness.
- Ensure emergency responders have the trained and exercised resources in place to be ready to respond.
Who is responsible for managing
malicious attacks in the county?
In an emergency, or if you need urgent police assistance, you should always dial 999.
You can also report suspicious activity by contacting the police in confidence on 0800 789 321.
Mi5 - Information about threat levels
GOV.UK - Report Suspicious activity - Report terrorist or extremist content online – Report possible terrorist or extremist activity online | Action Counters Terrorism.
Citizen Aid App - a useful website and App that provides information to help the publicstay safe and improvise effective medical treatment,before the emergency services arrive to provide professional medical support.
Further resources
Are you signed up to receive flood warnings? If not call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 to see if your area receives warnings.
Fire Risk Assessment Templates
In order to comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, you must complete a Fire Risk Assessment of your stall or unit.