What to do and how to prepare for an emergency

Three ways to prepare:
What to do:

If you are not directly involved in the incident, it’s best to move inside a safe building and stay put until advised otherwise. Tune into local media (e.g.radio or TV) for the latest information. Try to remember: Go in, Stay in, Tune in.

Make sure someone has called 999 if there is a threat to life, follow emergency services’ advice and think calmly before acting to avoid danger. If you’re at home when an emergency is declared:

  • Bring your family and pets inside
  • Go into an interior room with few windows
  • Tune in to local media (such as radio or TV) for the latest information
  • Locate the electric, gas and water shut-off valves
  • Keep necessary tools near gas and water shut-off valves
  • Lock doors, close windows and air vents
  • Turn off fans, air conditioning and forced air heating systems
  • Teach family members how to turn off utilities (but do not attempt to switch them on yourself)

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