Top Risks to Warwickshire

Top risks to our county

Learn the most significant risks that could occur in Warwickshire. This collective information is referred to as the Community Risk Register (CRR). The information sets out what Warwickshire responders and other partners are doing about the risks. It also outlines the likely consequences of these risks along with advice on what the public can do to prepare for and respond to these risks.

The UK Government produces an assessment of the risks facing the UK that could cause a civil emergency. Locally, responders identify, assess and prioritise the likely scenarios.

Listed below are the key risks that have the potential to cause a significant disruption to Warwickshire.

Animal disease can occur amongst wild birds and animals, and in farming animals.

Cyber criminals exploit weaknesses in online systems, usually for financial gain. They use technology to commit crimes, such as hacking to steal data.

Emerging infectious diseases could cause large numbers of people to fall ill. These are diseases which have recently increased over the last 20 years.

Extreme cold weather conditions include low (sub-zero) temperatures and heavy snow for prolonged periods.

The threshold for a heatwave varies by UK county from 25 to 28 degrees.

Several organisations in Warwickshire store or use potentially dangerous substances. These sites are regulated by the control of major accident hazard regulations (COMAH).

In an incident involving loss of either, gas and electricity companies will be responsible for managing the practical sides of a response. They have plans and procedures in place to respond.

Everyone needs to be vigilant to any risks of terrorism. Current terrorist risks mainly come from extreme Islamist terrorists or extreme right-wing terrorists.

Pandemics have been caused by both viruses and bacteria.

River flooding is when waterways overflow. Surface water flooding is when there is excess rainfall that overwhelms the drainage system. 

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