Extreme Cold and Snow
What is the risk of extreme cold weather to Warwickshire?
Cold weather and snow can last for several days or even weeks, causing travel disruption, damage to power lines and water supplies, school closures, and risking the health of the elderly and vulnerable. We will prepare plans to look after the most vulnerable communities, such as the homeless or residents of sheltered accommodation.
In March 2013 temperatures dropped below freezing for six consecutive days, and up to 75cm of snow fell in some areas. There were also notable cold spells in February/March 2018 and December 2022 when the temperature at Wellesbourne fell to -11.2 °C.
How could extreme cold weather
affect you and your community?
Extreme cold weather can include low temperatures, ice and snow.
- Risk to life
- Casualties/ injury (slips and falls)
- Health impacts on the elderly and vulnerable with extreme temperatures
- Disruption to utilities (electricity, gas, and water)
- Damage to property, businesses, and agricultural land
- Widespread structural damage
- Risk to life of livestock
- Flooding of properties
- Transport disruption (air, sea, road, rail) long delays
- Potential stranded passengers on transport routes
- Strain on emergency responder organisations
- Dangerous driving conditions (spray and standing water/ice/hail/snow/fog/wind)
- Communities becoming cut off due to flooded access routes/ heavy snow
- Changes in working practices and daily routines to adapt to the conditions
We can all be better prepared to
respond and recover from extreme cold weather
Follow this guidance to help you stay safe and well during extreme cold weather:
Stay tuned into the UK forecast
Download the Met Office app so you can keep an eye on the forecast to understand the likelihood of any impactful weather in your area.
Look after your home
Check daytime room temperature and maintain it at 18 °C (65 °F). The bedroom night-time temperature should be the same or a little warmer.
Insulate pipes to stop them from freezing. Know how to switch off your water supply if pipes should burst. For further advice check out Severn Trent’s advice.
Plan ahead before going away
If you are going to be away from home for a few days, it’s best to turn off your water at the stop tap so that if a pipe does freeze or burst while you’re away, any damage will be limited.
Make sure your heating comes on at regular intervals, even if you’re out, to maintain some warmth around your property. If you are going away during winter and leaving your house or flat unoccupied then leave the heating on ‘low’ to stop freezing pipes, ask a friend or neighbour to check in occasionally for any issues such as a burst pipe, especially in bad weather.
Ensure you have a small stock of food, medicines and other supplies in case you can’t get out for a few days. Check the ‘use by’ dates each winter
Check that you have warm clothing easily available
Check on those you know who might be at risk
Make sure your car is winter ready
Check tyre treads and pressures, coolant and screen wash levels, battery condition and wiper blades. Check the Met Office website for further advice.
How to prepare
your business
To respond to extreme cold weather
- Keep an eye on the weather forecast. You can use the Met Office app or website information.
- Keep warm and keep moving if you can.
- Drink warm drinks and eat warm food.
- Dress appropriately and stay connected.
- If you have to go outside, wear suitable clothing and non-slip footwear. Watch out for icy pavements and steps. Also tell someone where you are going and let them know when you get back. If you have a mobile phone, keep it charged and on you at all times.
- Clear pavements of ice or snow if you are able and if essential.
- Check in with your neighbours, relatives and friends.
- If you are concerned about your own or another person’s health or welfare, alert emergency services. You can use the NHS 111 service.
- If you’ve seen someone sleeping rough and want to connect them with support services, go to thestreetlink.org.uk
- If the person appears to be under 18, call the Police on 999.
- During snow, avoid travelling if you can. If unavoidable, check your route before you leave. Stay on main routes if you are able, as these are more likely to have been gritted. Be aware of untreated stretches. Let someone know when you are leaving and when you get back/to your destination.
- Keep emergency supplies in your car. Blankets, a torch, water, some food and a shovel are essential in case you get stuck.
- Rapid snow melt after a cold weather event can increase the risk of flooding. If you live in a flood risk area, ensure you are signed up to the Environment Agency Flood Warning Service. www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings
Find your emergency contacts for extreme cold weather
Recovering from extreme cold weather
- After a period of cold weather, if there is any damage to your home or belongings contact your home insurance company who can help find local contractors to complete the repairs.

What is being done to become
better prepared?
- We will prepare plans (such as the Severe Weather Emergency Protocol) to look after the most vulnerable communities, such as the homeless or residents of sheltered accommodation.
- The Met Office will issue cold weather warnings, and relevant advice where appropriate.
- Health services have plans in place to deal with increased demand.
Further information and resources
Warwickshire Schools closure information;
Warwickshire County Council Gritting information:
The public, community and voluntary organisations can sign up to receive cold weather health alerts. It is intended as an early warning system when the temperatures are likely to impact on the health and wellbeing of the population. The forecasts are issued jointly by the UK Health Security Agency and the Met Office. For more information and to sign up, go to:
National advice on keeping warm and well in cold weather:
Further resources
Sandbag Position Statement for Warwickshire Resilience Forum
Warwickshire Resilience Forum's Sandbag Position Statement on behalf of Local Authorities in Warwickshire.
Are you signed up to receive flood warnings? If not call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 to see if your area receives warnings.
Fire Risk Assessment Templates
In order to comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, you must complete a Fire Risk Assessment of your stall or unit.
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